040-42 95 00
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040-42 95 00
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2023-03-22 There is a problem with our phones and it might be hard to hear each other. Our operator (3) is working on solving the problem. Please send us a mail instead, and we’ll try to help you the best we can.
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Det här kontaktformuläret är bara tillgängligt för inloggade användare.
Die Schulung richtet sich an alle, die in den Shops arbeiten, auch an Aushilfen.
Ziel: Ein Verständnis für die berufliche Rolle und die Fähigkeiten zu schaffen, die erforderlich sind, um den Kunden erfolgreich zu begegnen.
– Verkaufsprozess, Kundengespräch und Kaufsignale
– Dem Kunden helfen, Entscheidungen zu treffen
– Mehrumsatz durch guten Service
– Wie sich unterschiedliche Verhaltensweisen auf den Kunden auswirken
Det här kontaktformuläret är bara tillgängligt för inloggade användare.
Das Training richtet sich an alle (Shopmitarbeiter, Pros, Assistenten und Shopmanager), die bereits Social Media I erfolgreich absolviert haben oder die alle wichtigen Grundlagen besitzen und sich nun dem konkreten Thema „Social Media Content für meinen Shop“ widmen möchten.
Ziel: Wie man mit Social Media Marketing erfolgreich ist – Erarbeiten eines konkreten Contents inklusive Tipps rund um den Inhalt, die passenden Kanäle bis hin zur endgültigen Durchführung.
Det här kontaktformuläret är bara tillgängligt för inloggade användare.
Das Training richtet sich in erster Linie an alle, die das Interesse und die Möglichkeit haben, mit Social Media zu arbeiten, wie zum Beispiel Shopmitarbeiter, Pros, Assistenten und Shopmanager.
Ziel: Wie man mit Social Media Marketing erfolgreich ist. Praktische Tipps rund um den Inhalt bis hin zur Zielgruppenanpassung.
– Einführung in die digitale Landschaft
– Das Nutzerverhalten in verschiedenen Kanälen
– Die richtige Lösung für die richtige Zielgruppe
– Suchmaschinenoptimierung – erfolgreiche Arbeit mit SEO
Det här kontaktformuläret är bara tillgängligt för inloggade användare.
Utbildningen vänder sig främst till alla som är intresserade och har möjlighet att arbeta med sociala medier, till exempel butikspersonal, pros, assistenter och butiksansvariga.
Mål: Så lyckas du med marknadsföringen på sociala medier. Praktiska tips kring allt från innehåll till målgruppsanpassning.
– Introduktion till det digitala landskapet
– Användarens beteende i olika kanaler
– Rätt lösning till rätt målgrupp
– Sökmotoroptimering – framgångsrikt arbete med SEO
Det här kontaktformuläret är bara tillgängligt för inloggade användare.
Die Schulung richtet sich an alle, die das Salestraining I bereits absolviert haben.
Ziel: Vertiefung der Fähigkeiten, die erforderlich sind, um im Gespräch mit dem Kunden erfolgreich zu sein.
– Erfolgreiche Verhandlung mit dem Kunden
– Mit erfolgreicher Akquise neue Kunden gewinnen
– Mit Einwänden/Reklamationen umgehen
– Erfolgreicher Kaufabschluss, zufriedener Kunde
Det här kontaktformuläret är bara tillgängligt för inloggade användare.
Uddannelsen henvender sig først og fremmest til alle, der er interesserede og har mulighed for at arbejde med sociale medier, for eksempel butikspersonale, Pro’er, assistenter og butiksansvarlige.
Mål: Sådan får du succes med markedsføringen på de sociale medier. Praktiske tips om alt lige fra indhold til tilpasning af målgrupper.
– Introduktion til det digitale landskab
– Brugerens adfærd i forskellige kanaler
– Den rigtige løsning for den rigtige målgruppe
– Søgemotoroptimering – succesrigt arbejde med SEO
Det här kontaktformuläret är bara tillgängligt för inloggade användare.
Utdanningen er primært rettet mot alle som er interessert og har muligheten til å jobbe med sosiale medier, som butikkpersonale, Pro’s, assistenter og butikksjefer. Mål: Slik lykkes du med markedsføring på sosiale medier. Praktiske tips om alt fra innhold til målgruppetilpasning.
– Introduksjon til det digitale landskapet
– Brukeratferd i forskjellige kanaler
– Riktig løsning for riktig målgruppe
– Optimalisering av søkemotorer – vellykket arbeid med SEO
Det här kontaktformuläret är bara tillgängligt för inloggade användare.
-I can’t find my invoice? Can I have a copy?
Answer: Invoice copy. If you are missing an invoice, send an e-mail to ekonomi@golfstore.se or call 040-42 95 00 and select 3.
-Where do I get gift cards and how do I get paid?
Answer: Learn more about Golfstore’s gift cards, read under Information/Marketing.
-How does More Golf work?
Answer: Learn more about More Golf card and gift checks, click here. (Only for Sweden)
– Technical Issues
If you have any technical issues, please restart your computer. If you still have problems, contact the following support numbers:
SE: 0547-71 6400 (IT-Teknikernas Hus)
NO: 0800 10 490 (IT-Teknikernas Hus)
DK: 078 77 29 34 (IT-Teknikernas Hus)
NL: 035-744 0343 (Golfstore)
DE: 0745-75 90 99 16 (Golfstore)
AT: 0720-56 80 84 (Golfstore)
-How do I print an extra receipt?
Answer: Search for the transaction number, product ID or customer ID in the Sales Screen and click on Print -> Print receipt
-How do I reprint an invoice?
Answer: Search for the invoice number, transaction number, product ID or customer ID in the Sales Screen and click on Print -> Print invoice
-Where do I find the discount option in the sales screen?
Answer: After scanning the product, click on Edit and tab to the Sales Price. The discount options will appear on the righthand side.
-How do I do a stock take with XPOS app?
Answer: Log on to the Hub (https://hub.crossovertec.co.uk) and see the instructional video under Help. Search for ”xpos app”.
Where do I find the XPOS Hub?
Answer: Click on the Globe in the top righthand corner of the Today Page or go to https://hub.crossovertec.co.uk
-I forgot my email address for XPOS Hub. What do I do?
Answer: Send an email to xpos@golfstore.se
-I forgot my password to log in to the XPOS Hub. What do I do?
Answer: Click on “Forgot password” when signing in to the Hub
– My Dashboard is not showing my Today Sales. What do I do?
Answer: For SE/NO/DK please contact IT-Teknikernas Hus and for NL/DE/AT please contact Golfstore/XPOS.
-How do I get a stock list?
Answer: Go to Reports -> Stock -> Stock Valuation Report -> Locate the date in the drop-down list under Data Input and click on Preview.
-Why don’t my products show on my website?
Answer: Check if the product has stock as well as a tick under Web product in the Products screen. If so, send an email to xpos@golfstore.se
-Where do I find information about the campaigns?
Answer: Search for ”campaign” in GS Business (www.gsbusiness.eu).
-I can’t find a product in XCODES
Answer: If it’s a Golfstore partner supplier, search for Brand, Sub group and change Date added to 2 years or anytime. If you still can’t find, please send an email to xpos@golfstore.se with the following details: Brand, article number or style number, EAN-code if available, other specifications eg. size, colour, loft, shaft, number of irons, RH/LH.
For all non-Golfstore partner suppliers, create new products. See instructional video in the Hub (https://hub.crossovertec.co.uk) under Help.
-How do I print a customer statement?
Answer: Click on Customer tab. Search for customer and click on their name. Click on ”Print” and choose ”Print Statement”.
-Advertising refund – How does it work and what is the maximum of refund?
Answer: Maximum refund is 50% of the advertising costs up to a maximum of 250 € if you are a Flagship Store & Studio. Read all the details under Resources/Marketing information
-I want to know more about GDPR
Answer: Read more under Resources/Marketing information
-Where do I find the campaign images?
Answer: We placed all the images under Resources/Mediabank
-Where do I find the campaign material?
Answer: We placed all the images and banners under Resources/Mediabank
-Where do I find banners for Facebook?
Answer: We placed all the banners for social media under Resources/Mediabank
-What is my Log-in for newsletter?
Answer: Enter the old intranet with following details:
http://intranet.golfstore.se/intranet/Email address:
Password: Golfstore#XXXXX (X=your member number)
-How do I send a newsletter?
Answer: Enter the old intranet, click on newsletter and start up a new letter with the template you need. You can also read more under Resources/Newsletter
-How do I update my address list for newsletter?
Answer: Send a new address list (Excel) to marketing@golfstore.se and we will import your list
-What is my Log-In for my Pro website?
Answer: Contact marketing@golfstore.se
-Where do I find the Education films for my Pro website?
Answer: We placed all the Education films under Academy/Pro Website.
-What is my Log-in for the old intranet?
Answer: You can enter the old intranet with following details:
Email address:
Password: Golfstore#XXXXX (X=your member number)
-What is my Log-in for the Printshop?
Answer: Email address: XXXXX (your member number)
Password: golfstore
-Where do I find a manual for the new newsletter, Apsis?
Answer: TBA! We will put the manual for Apsis Newsletter under Academy/Newsletter – Apsis.
-Where do I order giftcards and bags?
Answer: Under Resources/Profile Products you can find a link to Wackes.
FAQ from range will come soon
-How do I apply to become a Studio member?
Answer: Read about our different memberships here. Contact the member service for the application here. (LINK)
-How do I apply to become a Flagship member?
Answer:Read about our different memberships here. Contact the member service on support page.
-What is a buying membership?
Read about our different memberships here. Contact member service for questions here.
-I have a new member / prospect in progress, how do I / we proceed now?
Answer:Read about the recruitment bonus here. Contact member service for recruitment here
-I would like a visit from someone from Golfstore that can help me with …?
Answer:How nice! Describe what you want help with and contact Memberservice here.
-What are Golfstore’s cancellation terms for membership?
Answer:We have no special termination conditions. If for some reason you cannot or do not want to be a member anymore, you fill out this document and send to a member service here and we will make the best of the situation.
-Some of my colleagues are selling out together in a car hall, how does it work and can I be part of it?
Answer:Read more about our sales concept here.
-I can’t find my invoice? Can I have a copy?
Answer: Invoice copy. If you are missing an invoice, send an e-mail to ekonomi@golfstore.se or call 040-42 95 00 and select 3.
-Where do I get gift cards and how do I get paid?
Answer: Learn more about Golfstore’s gift cards, click here.
-How does More Golf work?
Answer: Learn more about More Golf card and gift checks, click here.
-How do I print an extra receipt?
Answer: Search for the transaction in the Sales Screen and click on Print -> Print receipt
-Where do I find the discount option in the sales screen?
Answer: After scanning the product, click on Edit and tab to the Sales Price. The discount options will appear on the righthand side.
-How do I do a stock take with XAPP?
Answer: See the XAPP manual located in the Knowledge Centre on the Hub under Support->Help.
-Where do I find the XPOS Hub?
Answer: Click on the Globe in the top righthand corner of the Today Page or go to https://hub.crossovertec.co.uk
-I forgot my email address to log in to the XPOS Hub. What do I do?
Answer: Send an email to xpos@golfstore.se
-I forgot my password to log in to the XPOS Hub. What do I do?
Answer: Click on “Forgot password” when signing in to the Hub
-How do I get a stock list?
Answer: Go to Reports -> Stock -> Stock Valuation Report -> Locate the date in the drop-down list under Data Input and click on Preview.
-Why don’t my products show on my website?
Answer: Check if the product has stock as well as a tick under Web product in the Products screen. If so, send an email to xpos@golfstore.se
-Where do I find information about the campaigns?
Answer: Located in GS Business under Files
-I can’t find a product in XCODES
Answer: Click here to see how to search in XCODES
*Note: this instructional video is not yet available
-How do I apply to become a Studio member?
Answer: Read about our different memberships here. Contact the member service for the application here. (LINK)
-How do I apply to become a Flagship member?
Answer:Read about our different memberships here. Contact the member service for the application here. (LINK)
-What is a buying membership?
Read about our different memberships here. Contact member service for questions here.
-I have a new member / prospect in progress, how do I / we proceed now?
Answer:Read about the recruitment bonus here. Contact member service for recruitment here
-I would like a visit from someone from Golfstore that can help me with …?
Answer:How nice! Describe what you want help with and contact Memberservice here.
-What are Golfstore’s cancellation terms for membership?
Answer:We have no special termination conditions. If for some reason you cannot or do not want to be a member anymore, you fill out this document and send to a member service here and we will make the best of the situation.
-Some of my colleagues are selling out together in a car hall, how does it work and can I be part of it?
Answer:Read more about our sales concept here.